Tonight, just a few minutes before I go to bed, a tiny, tiny emotional part of me complained... No, don't tell me about Valentine's day, it's not about this (when I say it's bullshit, I really mean it and it's just one more day).
But I've read one phrase that made this tiny, tiny part wakes up... And I'm feeling I'm needing being taken care by someone... Not like when you're sick. I'm talking about something bigger and stronger.
I missed that nobody cares how I feel, wishes me "good luck", "I'm supporting you". I wasn't feeling this way when I was surrounded by a lot of friends. But now, 90% of them are gone and then I'm feeling lonely in this world.
My parents are very busy annoying me, complaining about their own troubles and about every single thing that I do.
Many "friends" showed up their real intentions... Their interests on what I could offer, how I could be useful for them. When I realized that so many people like these were so close to me, I decided to put them off my life.
Others are so busy in their own lives that they barely remember my name... Just few ones, the real friends, remained... But they're not enough to fulfill some emptiness that eventually comes into my life.
I'm missing warm hugs, sweet words, uninterested attention... I'm turning cold again, this is not good... I'm avoiding everyone to get closer, while all that I wanted was someone who I could fully trust...
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